
Current Programmes


Supplementary Education & Food Programme for Children

About 75 school-going children from slums surrounding Banashankari, Bangalore, and Doddachenahalli (Nelamangala), who are in third to ninth grades, come daily to Sakti from 4 PM to attend tuition classes and to get help with their homework and daily lessons. They are given protein-enriched food to supplement their daily food intake. Proper nutrition will help children develop the necessary immunity so they do not easily succumb to infections and fall ill.

Additionally, apartment dwellers contribute clothes, toys, and other items; these are collected, sorted out, and given to the children.


Welfare Programme for Senior Citizens, Destitutes, & the Handicapped

During the COVID-19 pandemic, senior citizens were found begging in greater numbers than before near temples, mosques, bus stands, etc. Sakti started a supplementary ration programme for 60 such persons, which continues to this day.

Apartment dwellers contribute old clothes, new clothes, warm clothes, blankets, sweaters, vessels, etc., to senior citizens living in slums. Senior citizens are invited to Sakti once a month for a get-together and to share a hot meal.


Savings & Credit Programme for Working Women

The daily wage worker women are primary breadwinners or equal partners with the men folk in supporting, caring for, and educating their families. To cope with expected and unexpected adversities, women are involved in saving part of their income. They also find a reliable source for getting loans out of the collected savings of the group. Women's saving and credit groups are part of the microfinance agency.

Sakti has formed 15 such groups covering approximately 300 women. They save Rs.100 to Rs.500 monthly, and loans are given from these collective savings to group members. A coordinator from Sakti oversees the formation and maintenance of these groups. The members are domestic servants, construction workers, vegetable vendors, etc. Some groups have been running for over a year. The annual interest collected is shared among them, and a part is ploughed back into their collective savings.


Building Community Capital: Leadership

There is an urgent need for community-based leadership in underprivileged communities. Sakti is developing at least twenty women leaders from among women living in five slums adjacent to its office in Banshankari IInd Stage, Bangalore.

Attempts are being made to also train a small group of men from among the old students of Sakti and others who are interested and show an aptitude for leadership from the slums.

The women leaders focus on improving the living conditions of poor women, single women, etc., and deal with community health and employment contingencies, as witnessed during the pandemic. They are trained in effectively dealing with local authority figures and law and order situations, thus contributing to the welfare of their communities.