

Supplementary Education & Food Programme

The Supplementary Education & Food Programme includes tuition classes for slum children to help them with their homework and daily lessons and prevent them from dropping out of school. These children are also provided with protein-rich food to boost their immunity so they do not easily succumb to infections and fall ill.

We are Sakti



Sakti (meaning primeval energy) is a secular, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Bangalore, India. It has been working for the improvement of the conditions of the lives of underprivileged women, children, and their families over the last 40+ years.

At present, Sakti's projects focus on the hardships for women, children, and senior citizens living in the urban slums of Banshankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore.

Sakti also arranges training programmes for leadership development among Community Groups and NGOs in South India.

Supplementary Education & Food Programme for Children

Tuition classes and nutritious meals for children in slums.

Welfare Programme for Senior Citizens, Destitutes, & the Handicapped

Social, financial, and medical support for underprivileged persons.

Savings & Credit Programme for Working Women

Economic and financial support for working, widowed, and single women.

Help us build a school
for the underprivileged